MOTP is measured using the Danielson Framework. The Learning Cultures rubrics are Danielson aligned and provide UAI teachers with concrete examples of best practice for each of the 22 Danielson indicators. These classroom observation comprise 60% of the overall evaluation. Within this category, Domains 2 & 3 make up three-quarters of this 60% and Domains 1 & 2 make the last quarter of the 60%. MOTP ratings are on a 4-point HEDI (Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, and Ineffective).
MOSL are the tests that students take. At UAI, we chose Scantron ELA & Math, the NYC Performance tasks in ELA, Science, & Social Studies, and the NYS Exams (Regents & Middle School Common Core Exams). To see which exams apply to you, click on this link to the MOSL by Test document.
These graphics basically sum this all up!
*This is converted from the 4point scale. To figure out your own current rating, you can use this calculator to enter your observation ratings. If you need copies of your evaluations, please see Del.
Graphic from the UFT's Quick Start Guide to Teacher Evaluation |
If you still have more questions, this FAQ has comprehensive answers to many common MOSL, MOTP and teacher evaluation questions.
Don't forget to post your concerns and questions here in the comment section!